
Welcome to my blog were I will be posting my stories, poetry and now and then the odd ramble.

Friday, 10 June 2011

Invisible walls

Our life is ruled by walls
When we're young they are physical
As we grow they are changing

As a child the walls of our life
are those of our house, our pram
they are controlled by others

As we grow up they are still controlled by others
But are more spiritual, more metaphorical
They still enclose our life's, close us in

They restrict who we are, who we associate with
They rule our very soul at times
Making us limit our growth and sense of achievement

Then out of the blue, comes someone so true
They expand our hearts, our souls,
Our being till we explode, and bring down those walls

They let us express who we are truly
They allow us to be who we were meant to be
They are the one person we should share our life's with

Then we can build a wall around us both
Not caring if we grow or expand
We are happy to be with our soul mate always

copyright@ Roy Thomson 10/6/2011

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