
Welcome to my blog were I will be posting my stories, poetry and now and then the odd ramble.

Friday, 24 December 2010

Garth part 5 (fiction)

This feeling of no terror anywhere was so strange Garth had spent his life in terror over one thing or another. He was laying there feeling invisible with animals wandering around him some of the creature's in the soil were actually touching him moving over his clothing, sending shivers of pleasure through his entire being.

The feeling started to feel as if he were being taken over by all these rushing positive emotions. Feeling the long rough and hairy blades of grass twining into the material of his trousers. The soil organisms were moving through him almost. Even here there was no negative emotion. The spiders, worms everything was hunting for food, hunting their prey but there was no malice in those thoughts. It was just life and everyone was enjoying the moment for with no thought of anything else.

This was nature at its beautiful simplest form. All the plants and animals where doing what they needed to, to survive and enjoying life.

Woah what an amazing creature, a large stag was munching its way toward Garth. He could see the lovely velvet covering on its antlers, the red hair was glistening all over its coat from the moist air. Even head down eating it looked so statuesque Garth was awestruck.
When it reached the base of Garth's feet it started nibbling the grass that was attached to his shoes and trousers. Woah that felt so weird lovely and soft with no pain just a feeling of pleasure from feeding another creature. Then the stag stood to his full height and rubbed those antlers all over Garth's bark covered face. The velvet covering easing itself of and dropping to the grass below. Again there was no pain just a filling of his heart with peace.

He was beginning to see that even in nature centuries back before man corrupted it and made it into a slave to his desires. Nature had nothing evil within it.

Could this still be achieved?

Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Garth part 4 (fiction)

"Woah I didn't time travel this is even weirder. I'm seeing what this Redwood saw back in the day. I still have my body supported by that amazing red bark that is keeping me as warm as if I was sat in front of a roaring fire. Is this even possible?"

These were Garth's thoughts as he realised what may be happening.

What he was feeling was the slow steady flow of growth creating nutrition from the soil into this young plant that would become a 90 metre giant. More than that though he was feeling every natural thing he could see.

The grass was swaying in the gentle breeze and he knew how each blade of grass felt as it swayed against the nearest blade to it. He felt the pleasure of touching another of the same species with no desire, no jealousy, no fear and nothing but adulation of a mutual need to grow and reproduce with the aid of this soft breeze before the weather changed.

This was a time before man tried to control all of the worlds natural processes before man thought he could play god and decide what species of plant and animal should be saved or allowed to die out. Man had been gradually taking over the entire planet not as a guardian as he should be but as a god. Who rather than caring for his environment and looking after the world thought he was the creator of it and did not need to consider the past at all. No thought was given to the old ways, when man was enthralled by nature, when he not only cared for actively encouraged the natural world to thrive and become so species rich that modern man wouldn't know what they were looking at.

Modern man has become to obsessed with material things, most of them have no time for the natural world. Was Giaa talking about these lungs being felled in the 1st. minute of their meeting referring to man's destruction of the worlds forest's and woodland. Preventing the natural world from breathing and causing so much grief for themselves?

He couldn't think these thoughts for long more and more information was flooding into his mind, about the natural world how it was. That was why he was where he was. The native American's had a real grasp of how to use the natural world for food, heating, clothing etc without causing ctotal destruction to anyone plant or animal. They spent time actually studying how the plants and animals interacted.

Was this how he was going to learn?

Garth part 3 (fiction)

Garth knew he was laying with his back against a pine tree, it had changed though. Somehow he was sinking into the bark of it, all around his upper body the tree was holding him making him part of it. He could feel the power within this giant.

He knew somehow that this was now a Sequoiadendron giganteum or giant redwood he was being cosseted by. The base of which was huge (see pic). This tree had stood for many many years and was situated in America, more than that he realised this was part of the Sierra Nevada Mountain range. Not knowing how he got there seemed un-important what mattered was the life of this statuesque beauty. The bark felt so soft and spongy against his back he could feel the fibrous nature of it through into his soul. He could feel the filmy red fibres binding to his hair. Almost as if he was becoming the tree itself. Now he knew this tree was almost full grown at just short of 90m it didn't have much growth left till it started the long process of dying.

He could see now he was sat at the edge of a forest full of these awesome tree's but he was laying against a seedling now, it didn't seem possible. Right then he realised he had went back in time and was sat at the base of the same tree when it still young, just a year or two old.

This was amazing Garth felt the power surging through this future giant. The Surging goodness coming from the earth entering it allowing it to use the food produced by its needle's they were dark green in colour and not quite full size yet. As someone who had felt the occasional rush of pleasure from liaisons with the ladies and the surge of a completion of a sale at work he was comparing these feelings with that. Nothing in his life had prepared him for the surge of pure joy the feeling of growth and oneness was almost crushing him.

Looking out into a valley he could see grazing animals to far way to make out what they were but he could feel the pure goodness leaching from them. He knew instinctively these animals didn't have a bad bone in them. More shocking than any of that was there was no fear! He knew he was feeling what they were and they were afraid of nothing.

All of this so overpowered Garth he blanked out. There was just emptiness for now but he craved that feeling of natural power. How had he never felt that before?

"Please let it come back!"

Thursday, 16 December 2010

Garth part 2 (fiction)

As Garth lay there with his back resting against the gnarled red bark of a pine tree, he felt so safe and warm, as if he was being held by the love of his life. It didn't take long for him to fall asleep. The voices continuing in his head.

"Why don't they appreciate me" this is what he heard as he fell asleep starting him dreaming.

Looking into the deepest slate grey eyes he had ever seen, they were holding Garth in a trance, struggling to break the hold they had on him Garth realised he was with the most statuesque beautiful woman he had ever seen. She was at least as tall as he was and at 6ft 2in he was a tall man. She seemed to blend in with her surroundings almost as if she were plant material. Her skin seemed to change as you moved to match what was around her.

Eventually he found his voice "excuse me but do I know you?" He asked nervously.

"You do know me. Everyone does. You can call me Giaa or Mother. Whichever please's you" He heard there words but this lady never opened her mouth, just stood still and held his gaze.

"Do you know where we are? I am lost and can't seem to get past these trees." even though he had felt so safe as he slipped into sleep. Now he was a little nervous.

"You have been chosen and will not be allowed to leave here until you have fully understood your task's for the future." Giaa seemed to shimmer as she spoke, almost as if something had rippled through her being right in the core were nothing should have been other than her organs.

Garth was now getting frightened for some reason he knew this lovely lass could control him just with her eyes. She would not need to move and she could command him.

With such intensity that Garth jumped back with fright. Giaa commanded and yes that was the way it felt "You will learn the old way! Not until you have mastered them will you be allowed to leave. Then you will ensure that mankind relearns how to value the natural world and care for it. No longer will I be used and abused by those little people!"

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Garth (fiction)

Garth wakes in a circle of tall, red barked pine tree's wondering where am I?

As he look's around Garth can't fathom what has happened at all. These tree's surround him, there is no way out. Do pine's grow into a hedge? He didn't think so.

Then it started the voice in his head. "Help me I'm dying Please help me" it went on and on. There was no one there, who was talking. "The are felling my lungs, I can hardly breathe any more" Then it stopped, Garth was beside himself.

Once Garth had gathered his thoughts he thought what a strange word to use about lungs felling felled referred to trees. They didn't have lungs did they?

Who needed his help?

No one ever had before. Work had been his life for so long, unable to remember the last time he had even seen a tree outside the city and here and now he was enclosed by them unable to get out.

How did I get here and where is here?

Walking the entire circle of pine's he realised there was not even a glimpse of daylight other than that overhead. The tree's were branched to the base and he was sure that wasn't right either.

As always his thoughts remained clear, " No matter the answer to these questions if I can't get out no point struggling to, best to sit and consider my position."

to be continued

Tuesday, 14 December 2010


When I sit and think about writing, it is never about how much money I can make from it, when reading some writing magazines that's all they seem concerned with. Why?

Surely we write because we have to. An idea will come into your head, for a short story, poem or even your 1st/100th novel and you just can't stop it going round in your head till you write it.

This has nothing to do with money and everything to do with our very sanity. We need to write to help us stay sane.I almost said to stop the voices from chatting in my head but maybe those shouldn't be mentioned hee hee.

Even writing for competitions, which I do so I can have my work evaluated without the hassle of trying to publish anything has become about money. Both ways. I recently entered an on-line Poetry competition and was delighted to receive email notification that I was one of the winner's. However if I wanted to receive the prize of having my poem published I would need to pay for the privilege. In other words it was a marketing ploy for self publishing.

However the joy of writing means I still do it. I still silence those voices and still enter competitions. Perhaps the should rename writing or author's as a form of masochism.

1st Poem

Our Friends

Our friends are always there
They make us happy
Sometimes they stare

They never judge
Always they sit
Never to budge

In our lives till we die
True friends will be
Let us remember them always
In our thoughts and prayers

Nobody's Child - Karen Young

I had an eventful childhood, by the age of 8 I was living in care, my Mum had died and I felt lost that nobody cared.
Shortly after this there was a single released by Karen Young called Nobody's Child this became my theme song almost so perhaps it isthat before I post any writing I should post a link for you to hear this song.


I intend to use this blog to publish my writing, poetry and stories. I may even show some of my encaustic wax art pic's.
I hope any visitors will return and feel free to leave constructive criticism on any writing or art post.