
Welcome to my blog were I will be posting my stories, poetry and now and then the odd ramble.

Friday, 24 December 2010

Garth part 5 (fiction)

This feeling of no terror anywhere was so strange Garth had spent his life in terror over one thing or another. He was laying there feeling invisible with animals wandering around him some of the creature's in the soil were actually touching him moving over his clothing, sending shivers of pleasure through his entire being.

The feeling started to feel as if he were being taken over by all these rushing positive emotions. Feeling the long rough and hairy blades of grass twining into the material of his trousers. The soil organisms were moving through him almost. Even here there was no negative emotion. The spiders, worms everything was hunting for food, hunting their prey but there was no malice in those thoughts. It was just life and everyone was enjoying the moment for with no thought of anything else.

This was nature at its beautiful simplest form. All the plants and animals where doing what they needed to, to survive and enjoying life.

Woah what an amazing creature, a large stag was munching its way toward Garth. He could see the lovely velvet covering on its antlers, the red hair was glistening all over its coat from the moist air. Even head down eating it looked so statuesque Garth was awestruck.
When it reached the base of Garth's feet it started nibbling the grass that was attached to his shoes and trousers. Woah that felt so weird lovely and soft with no pain just a feeling of pleasure from feeding another creature. Then the stag stood to his full height and rubbed those antlers all over Garth's bark covered face. The velvet covering easing itself of and dropping to the grass below. Again there was no pain just a filling of his heart with peace.

He was beginning to see that even in nature centuries back before man corrupted it and made it into a slave to his desires. Nature had nothing evil within it.

Could this still be achieved?

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