"Woah I didn't time travel this is even weirder. I'm seeing what this Redwood saw back in the day. I still have my body supported by that amazing red bark that is keeping me as warm as if I was sat in front of a roaring fire. Is this even possible?"
These were Garth's thoughts as he realised what may be happening.
What he was feeling was the slow steady flow of growth creating nutrition from the soil into this young plant that would become a 90 metre giant. More than that though he was feeling every natural thing he could see.
The grass was swaying in the gentle breeze and he knew how each blade of grass felt as it swayed against the nearest blade to it. He felt the pleasure of touching another of the same species with no desire, no jealousy, no fear and nothing but adulation of a mutual need to grow and reproduce with the aid of this soft breeze before the weather changed.
This was a time before man tried to control all of the worlds natural processes before man thought he could play god and decide what species of plant and animal should be saved or allowed to die out. Man had been gradually taking over the entire planet not as a guardian as he should be but as a god. Who rather than caring for his environment and looking after the world thought he was the creator of it and did not need to consider the past at all. No thought was given to the old ways, when man was enthralled by nature, when he not only cared for actively encouraged the natural world to thrive and become so species rich that modern man wouldn't know what they were looking at.
Modern man has become to obsessed with material things, most of them have no time for the natural world. Was Giaa talking about these lungs being felled in the 1st. minute of their meeting referring to man's destruction of the worlds forest's and woodland. Preventing the natural world from breathing and causing so much grief for themselves?
He couldn't think these thoughts for long more and more information was flooding into his mind, about the natural world how it was. That was why he was where he was. The native American's had a real grasp of how to use the natural world for food, heating, clothing etc without causing ctotal destruction to anyone plant or animal. They spent time actually studying how the plants and animals interacted.
Was this how he was going to learn?
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