
Welcome to my blog were I will be posting my stories, poetry and now and then the odd ramble.

Tuesday, 14 December 2010


When I sit and think about writing, it is never about how much money I can make from it, when reading some writing magazines that's all they seem concerned with. Why?

Surely we write because we have to. An idea will come into your head, for a short story, poem or even your 1st/100th novel and you just can't stop it going round in your head till you write it.

This has nothing to do with money and everything to do with our very sanity. We need to write to help us stay sane.I almost said to stop the voices from chatting in my head but maybe those shouldn't be mentioned hee hee.

Even writing for competitions, which I do so I can have my work evaluated without the hassle of trying to publish anything has become about money. Both ways. I recently entered an on-line Poetry competition and was delighted to receive email notification that I was one of the winner's. However if I wanted to receive the prize of having my poem published I would need to pay for the privilege. In other words it was a marketing ploy for self publishing.

However the joy of writing means I still do it. I still silence those voices and still enter competitions. Perhaps the should rename writing or author's as a form of masochism.

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