
Welcome to my blog were I will be posting my stories, poetry and now and then the odd ramble.

Saturday 28 July 2012

Best day ever planned for!

You reach the ripe old age of being in your 50's. You've been married had kids and now have grandkids. You have a group of friends who you support every chance you get! Then one day it falls apart. You don't know what happened, you blinked and missed it. So what do you do? You plan for the day that matters to you. You plan for the day it will all end in the way you want it to! No one else will know, they can work out the hassle and BS after the event. You remember the past all those attempts to end things your way. All those thinking they were helping and not realising they were just extending this hell on earth for you. In your 50 plus years how many have been spent in tears? Probably over half of them. Why extend it any more? So how do you plan to make it stop? You must be miles from anyone stop them interfering. You must use a method that can't be undone. In a place you won't be stopped. You start by taking strange drives and walks alone away up in the hills and woods. No one thinks anything of it, your family just think its dad/grandad being mad again. Actually they rarely chat with you these days. To wrapped up in other things. You find the perfect spot surrounded by trees and at the edge of a cliff, not very hight but high enough. The nearest road is prob about 1 1/2 mls. away and that's a silly wee back road most folk never ever use. You need to prepare properly though. You must have it all prepared for your special day. There is the rope to buy, it must be capable of holding your great bulk without breaking. It must be able to take the strain of that sudden jolt to. A climbing rope would be best. You need to practice that knot, so it will be good enough and tighten properly. There is the date to consider as well, not near anyone's birthday or any festival/holiday thing you wouldn't want to ruin that for the future. The rope is bought and in place under a large old rock for safe keeping. The tree has been tested to make sure it will support your weight. All that's needed now is 2 things. 1) You need to stop having nights like last night where you talk yourself out of it. 2) You need to just do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Friends or 1 friend to be precise do wonder why your staying up half the night. You can't tell them your planning your best day! They use their mind/imagination to create their own choices for what your doing and end up being cross with you. Wait till your day the will be so shocked and wonder what happened to him? Actually truth be told it was that person the one who noticed you were on-line half the night that stopped the eventual fulfilment of your special day last night. At least they noticed even if they did think you were up to no good. How can you tell them what you were really doing without causing them more pain?

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